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Komba O'Charlie (original version: 'Komba' (コンバ, Konba?)) is a character in the Anime Bakugan Battle Brawlers and was the top ranked Ventus brawler, ranked number five in the world.

He is currently ranked 10th.


He is very disrespectful and calls people "chumps", even his own teammates, especially Billy, who he calls double digits. He also happens to be very acrobatic, flipping when he throws a Bakugan and standing on one foot on a statute. Harpus is just as disrespectful as he is and is just as rude to Skyress as Komba is to Shun before he loses to him. After Komba loses to Shun a second time then he becomes a lot more respectful towards Shun but is still pretty disrespectful towards others.


Bakugan Battle Brawlers

He was one of the minions of Masquerade, he is also one of Julie's neighbors and lives in Bakugan Valley. Komba and Shun battle two times, both times Komba loses, the first one being a tag duel between Komba and Billy against Shun and Julie. The next time he realizes that Shun has passed him in the rankings making him want revenge and he challenged him in a one on one. The second time Komba battles Shun the fight is completely one-sided. Shun easily defeats two of Komba's Bakugan without actually fighting just using the ability blow away. Komba is furious and throws in Harpus and is quickly defeated in a triple Ventus combo. After Shun explains the need for friends, he begs for Shun to be his teacher and calls him Master Shun from then on.

Bakugan: New Vestroia

In Duel in the Dunes, Komba breifly appears in the group picture taken back in Season 1 shown by Dan.


  • When he appears with Billy in front of the Brawlers, after becoming one of Masquerade's henchmen, Julie points out that Komba is one of her neighbors. But later when Komba becomes Shun's "student" and leaves Masquerade, they take him back home, but they take him to Kenya. It is possible that he moved, or this is just a mistake they made.
  • He calls Shun "Shun-nii" in the Japanese version. ("nii" means "older brother")
  • In the video game, Komba and Shun have the same Bakugan, but Shun's Bakugan has a higher G-power.




Onscreen, Komba has only won a single battle.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers
Opponent Outcome
Shun Kazami & Julie Makimoto (tag with Billy Gilbert) Lose
Shun Kazami Lose
Masquerade Lose
Taygen Lose
Hairadee (tag with Julio Santana and Shun Kazami) Win